엔지니어와 IT 개발자, 그리고 매니저한테 매일 영어 이메일로 보고하는 상황에서 '니 말 무슨 뜻인지 알겠어'를 표현해야하는데 상황에 맞게 돌려쓰고 싶어 찾은 '네 알겠습니다'를 영어로 표현하는 20가지 방법.
그 전에 그냥 일상적으로 쓰는 '넵' 같은 느낌의 영어 단어를 찾으러 왔다면 굳이 아래 다 볼 필요 없이 Yes sir(이건 군대에서나), Okay 말고 'Noted', 'Well noted'를 쓰면 된다. 진짜 '넵', '넵 알겠습니다', '네 그렇게 알고 있을게요' 이런 느낌으로 쓰이므로 필요할 때마다 반복적으로 noted라고 써도 전혀 어색하지 않다.
A: I will hold these items that have the issues.
B: Well noted.
아래는 "네 알겠습니다" 영어로 표현하는 20가지 방법
정확히는 I understand와 I know를 대체할 20가지 표현
출처는 아래 유튜브 영상
길지 않으니 영상으로 공부하고 필요할때마다 여기서 적당한거 찾아 쓰면 된다.
1. to be aware (of)
to know that something exists
예문 - I'm aware of the lack of water in the office toilets.
2. to realise
to understand a situation, sometimes 'suddenly'
예문 - I realise how frustrating it is that your paychecks were late this month.
#3. to recognise
to accept that something is legal, important, or true
예문 - I recognise how much it means to you to have natural light in the office but I have very sensitive eyes.
#4. to appreciate
to understand a situation and realise that it is important
예문 - I appreciate why you'd like more sick pay, but I'm afraid that people might abuse it.
#5. to acknowledge
to accept or admit the existence or truth of something
예문 - I acknowledge that the lack of toilet paper is frustrating but it's not hard to put a few sheets in your pocket each morning.
#6. to notice (not an exact synonym for either of them)
to see or become conscious of something or someone
예문 - I did notice that you've been parking by the entrance each day. I understand that you have a bad leg but you must be considerate of more executive members of staff.
#7. I see
I understand - and that I'm paying attention to what someone is saying
예문 -
A: I was off sick yesterday because I had a stomach bug.
B: I see. Was there vomit? Because if there wasn't any vomit, you should've come in.
#8. I see what you mean
further implying that you don't really agree
예문 -
A: I won't be able to finish that project tonight because it's my birthday and my husband is taking me out.
B: I see what you mean. I'll offer the project to somebody more dedicated.
#9. fair enough
used to show that you understand and accept what someone has said
예문 -
A: I'm not coming to the office party on Friday night because I suffer from bad social anxiety
B: Fair enough, see you on Monday, you loser.
#10. all right
#11. okay
#12. OK (abbreviation of okay)
these are used to especially express that you've heard what someone has said
예문 -
A: I'd just like to remind you that your interviewee has been waiting in the lobby for 3 hours.
B: All right! I'll come down after I finish this game of solitaire.
#13. I see your point
#14. I take your point
these are used to say that you understand what someone is saying but it's also used to imply that you disagree with it
예문 -
A: I think you need to let Mary go.
B: I see your point John, but I'm not sure I'm allowed to fire someone because for not agreeing to go on a date with you. Come back to me if you find a better reason.
#15. I don't blame you
used for saying that you understand why someone has done something or why they feel a particular way
예문 -
A: I am going to speak to HR about John.
B: I don't blame you Mary, he's a total weirdo. Don't tell HR I said that.
#16. I get what you mean (=I get you)
to get = to understand
예문 -
A: I don't think that 8 minutes is long enough for a lunch break.
B: I get what you mean Cynthia, but it's calculated via an algorithm and it's what the computer has decided is best for you.
#17. gotcha
slang - I've understood you
예문 -
A: I'd like to propose a salary review.
B: Gotcha - you think it's too high as well, don't you?
#18. I'm certain that
I know
예문 -
A: I'm feeling overwhelmed with this new workload.
B: Don't worry - I'm certain that you'll be feeling underwhelmed like the rest of us in no time.
#19. I'm sure that
I know
예문 -
A: It's been suggested that you put in an accessibility ramp for me.
B: I'm sure you'll be able to hobble up the stairs if you really put your mind to it.
#20. I know
예문 -
A: This office is an absolute cesspit and you are a horrendous leader.
B: I know.
2020.05.08 - [영어/회화] - I think 대신 쓸 수 있는 표현 21가지
I think 대신 쓸 수 있는 표현 21가지
I think 대신 쓰는 표현을 보기 전에, I think 다음 문장에는 부정문을 넣지 않고 I don't think라고 쓴다. 예를들어 '그 제품이 한국에 없는 걸로 아는데'라고 말하려면 I think the item is not in Korea가 아니
2020.06.30 - [영어/회화] - ~로 알고 있습니다 영어로
~로 알고 있습니다 영어로
Be aware of + 명사 Be aware that + 문장 I'm aware ~ 처럼 현재형을 쓰면 그냥 지금 그렇게 알고 있다, 인식하고 있다 이런 느낌 예전부터 지금까지 알고있었다는 걸 말하고 싶어서 have pp를 쓰고 싶다면 I h
2020.11.02 - [영어/회화] - OOO 뜻과 사용법
OOO 뜻과 사용법
OOO는 Out of Office의 약자로써 휴가 또는 공휴일날 출근을 안할 때 상태 메시지나 자동응답 메일에서 자주 쓰인다. 아래는 예시, 처음 OOO를 봤을 때 약어인지를 몰라서 왜 빈칸을 남겨놨지? 싶었다.
2021.06.02 - [영어/회화] - (답변이) 늦어서 죄송합니다 영어로
(답변이) 늦어서 죄송합니다 영어로
교과서적인 표현은 제외하고 1. My apologies for taking so long to come back to this. 2. My apologies for the delay. 추가 예정
2020.07.10 - [정보 공유/IT] - 넷플릭스 이중자막, 동시자막 보는 방법 (Ver 2023 업데이트)
넷플릭스 이중자막, 동시자막 보는 방법 (Ver 2023 업데이트)
↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ 아래 확장 프로그램은 이제 더이상 작동하지 않습니다. 2023 버전은 아래로 쭉 내리면 있습니다.↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ 화질은 중요하지 않고
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